effective partnerships succeed only if both parties derive value

Our clients

Our client base covers all aspects of property claims handling and falls into three categories:

Restoration contractors

  • Our clients operate under one of several business models (single location, association member, franchise member, or branch network)
  • They currently work with insurers on one or more preferred vendor programs
  • They want to learn more about what insurers require of preferred partners
  • They want consistent, measurable results that demonstrate value, customer service, transparency, and continuous improvement
  • Insurance companies

  • Our clients wish to develop new or improve existing vendor programs
  • They want to manage their contractor network effectively
  • They want to ensure their policyholders get the best possible service
  • They want consistent, measurable results that validate value, transparency, and continuous improvement
  • Service providers
    Our clients provide a variety of products and services to insurers and contractors. They include

    • Cost data providers
    • Quality assurance programs (for both insurers and contractors)
    • Contents management vendors
    • Operational project managers
    • Data analysts

    Our ability to provide a holistic service to the industry sets us apart and we provide consistent value to our partners in a complex environment.

    Let us assist you in identifying opportunities, creating sustainable value, and managing successful relationships.

    We can help.